

Jones, Warren

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Digital access to this material is pending artist's approval. Materials may be viewed onsite at the Goldsen Archive, Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Kroch Library, Cornell University.

A Thursday in 1997: I push clay across the desk. A young, nonverbal boy with autism sticks his fingers in, pushes it back. For half an hour we do this. He never looks at me. The clay is no advanced technology, but still in muddy thumbprints it records our effort and finally our failure to understand each other My starting point is that struggle to know another person, wondering what the boy saw and how any two of us can find a common vision.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Item
    Attentional Funnels: Analyzing Normative Pattens of Visual Scanning and Quantifying Salience in
    Jones, Warren (2006-11-20T20:11:01Z)
    The following 3 pages show my work on developing data analytic methods for quantifying salience in naturalistic viewing and measuring deviation from normative patterns of visual scanning. These analyses will enable a deeper understanding of how the actions of visual observers shape what they see.
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    Rockefeller New Media Foundation Proposal
    Jones, Warren (2006-11-20T20:00:24Z)
    My proposal is to trace the visual coupling between two people by following the movements of one person's eyes as they touch another. I want to record that touch and re-create the drawing that takes shape at the point of contact, where the expression on one person's face emerges in the eyes of another. I will create an installation for the re-viewing of personal vision by mapping the gaze of different emotions.